Betta OHM crown tail
Betta OHM crown tail
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Looking at a betta fish’s natural habitat for basic betta care.
Tank Size |
Natural Habitat |
The natural habitat of the betta fish is the shallow streams and rice paddies of Thailand. Though shallow these are huge areas of wetland. |
Do |
Do Not |
-Give your betta a lot of personal space.-‘Shallow stream’ does not mean ‘can live in a jar’. A shallow stream still has plenty of space for a betta to swim! – A 5 gallon tank is a perfect size for one male betta (but the bigger the better). |
– Keep your betta fish in a small vase or bowl. | |
Water Temperature |
Natural Habitat |
The tropical waters of Thailand (formally Siam). |
Do |
Do Not |
-Keep your betta fish’s water in the high 70s deg F (78 – 80F). | -Keep your betta fish in cold water. -Put a heater on a tank <1 gallon. Heaters on small tanks will heat too quickly which is bad for the fish’s health. |
Water Level |
Natural Habitat |
Betta fish are labyrinth fish. Using a special bladder to breathe from the water’s surface. |
Do |
Do Not |
-Leave some space at the top of your tank for the fish to come to the surface for air. | -Leave no space. It is very bad for the betta’s health if they do not use their labyrinth bladder from time to time. -Fill water to the top with no lid. Betta fish can be good jumpers! |
Filter |
Natural Habitat |
Wild betta fish are from still waters. |
Do |
Do Not |
-Use a gentle filter. This will maintain your betta fish’s water conditions longer and the tank cleaner. Resulting in fewer and smaller water changes (which can stress your fish). | -Keep your betta in a tank without a filter if you are not prepared to do regular and large water changes. Dirty water is the cause of so many diseases. | |
Diet |
Natural Habitat |
Betta fish prey on small insects / insect eggs / larvae at the water surface |
Do |
Do Not |
-Feed your betta fish with a few betta specific pellets per day. -Frozen Bloodworms can be a treat. |
-Overfeed your betta. A betta’s stomach is about the size of its eye. Overfeeding can lead to many problems -Use generic aquarium flakes. It is best to stay away from the generic flakes and to use the food specifically created for betta fish. |
Tank Mates |
Natural Habitat |
Betta fish live quite a solitary life in the wild. Male bettas particularly are territorial of other colorful males that could pose a threat. Domesticated betta fish were once bred for fighting. This aggression can still be seen in domesticated bettas today. They are called ‘Siamese fighting fish’ for a reason. |
Do |
Do Not |
-Give your betta plenty of personal space. We recommend 5 gallons of personal space before introducing any other fish into the tank -Bottom feeders (sucker fish) generally make good tank mates as they stay out of the betta’s way (they also help clean algae from the tank). |
-Keep two male betta fish together in the same tank -Keep betta fish with fish with bright colors and flowing fins. Bettas will still feel threated by these fish and may fight. |
Tank Ornaments / Plants |
Natural habitat |
Betta fish come from shady rice paddies / stream often surrounded by submerged plants. |
Do | Do Not | |
-Give your betta fish a tank that is planted with shady areas and places to hide -Drift wood is often a favourite betta decoration. Swimming and hiding under the uneven stumps. |
-Place ornaments that are rough or have sharp edges. Betta’s fins are very delicate. -Use a standard terracotta pot. This seems to be popular in some aquariums but I have seen some horrible injuries to fish on its sharp edges. -A bare tank is not very exciting for your betta fish. |
Light |
Natural Habitat |
In the wild betta fish would get regular periods of light and dark from the sun. They live in shaded water. |
Do |
Do Not |
-Provide a light period to your betta throughout the day. An aquarium light on your tank is recommended. -Turn this light off during the night, giving your betta fish time to rest (as it would in the wild). -Include shaded areas in your tank for your betta to relax. |
Type of water
Type of water
Use only Borewell water for Gold fish,Koi,Guppy and cichlids
Use RO or soft low TDS water for Tetras /shrimps/rasboras all planted tank fishes Best is RO water
Incase of Tap water ( add Anti chlorine medicine to avoid chorine mixed water)
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Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Prepaid orders will be delievred in 2 to 3 days
COD orders will be delivered in 3 to 5 days
incase of Ready stock 24hrs to 48 hrs delivery avaiable
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Keep Proper Filterations
DO water Changes weekly 30%
as per the tank Size
DO not mix all fishes check the fish compatiblity before adding
check fish profiles know about fishes how hey behave with other fishes
Dont Mix small fihes with big fishes unless they arer of same breed or same community
If you are a begginner check with chat team and get the info

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