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Orange OB Peacock Cichlid

Orange OB Peacock Cichlid

Regular price Rs. 120.00
Regular price Rs. 195.00 Sale price Rs. 120.00
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African cichlids are a category of cichlids that inhabit three African lakes: Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria.

These natural habitats have warm, clear waters, sandy substrates, lots of vegetation, and a high density of freshwater fish. Most African cichlids live in the shallows of their habitats, where they scavenge for food in the sand.

Adult Size & Lifespan

Fully-grown African cichlids reach 2 to 12 inches long, depending on the type of African cichlid. The longest African cichlids are big mouth haps, which grow up to 12 inches

Common names: African cichlid
Distribution: East Africa
Size: 2–12 inches
Life expectancy: 6–10 years
Color: Various colors including blue, yellow, pink, green, red, and purple, with spots or stripes
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Minimum tank size: 30 gallons
Temperature: 75–85°F (24–29°C)
pH: 7.8–8.6
Hardness: 12–30 dGH
Care level: Moderate

Egg layer or mouthbrooder, depending on the type of African cichlid

Type of water

Use only Borewell water for Gold fish,Koi,Guppy and cichlids

Use RO or soft low TDS water for Tetras /shrimps/rasboras all planted tank fishes Best is RO water

Incase of Tap water ( add Anti chlorine medicine to avoid chorine mixed water)

Chat with our team for more details

Shipping & Returns

Prepaid orders will be delievred in 2 to 3 days

COD orders will be delivered in 3 to 5 days

incase of Ready stock 24hrs to 48 hrs delivery avaiable

Care Instructions

Keep Proper Filterations

DO water Changes weekly 30%

as per the tank Size

DO not mix all fishes check the fish compatiblity before adding

check fish profiles know about fishes how hey behave with other fishes

Dont Mix small fihes with big fishes unless they arer of same breed or same community

If you are a begginner check with chat team and get the info

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